The Shah family, led by Mit Shah, chief executive officer of Noble Investment Group, has endowed the Bharat Shah Leadership Speaker Series in honor of his father, Dr. Bharat Shah. This speaker series is the first endowed speaker series for the Cecil B. Day School of Hospitality Administration and is the first endowed series for the J. Mack Robinson College of Business named to recognize a distinguished individual. The inaugural presentation was held on September 25, 2014, at the Rialto Center for the Arts, with students and industry professionals present.
To learn more about the Bharat Shah Leadership Speaker Series, please visit this website.
Mit Shah with his father, Dr. Bharat Shah
Mit Shah and Leslie Hale
Featuring Mit Shah, CEO of Noble Investment Group, and Leslie Hale, CEO of RLJ Lodging Trust
Mit Shah and Geoff Ballotti
Featuring Mit Shah, CEO of Noble Investment Group, and Geoff Ballotti, president and CEO of Wyndham Hotels & Resorts
Mit Shah, Sara Blakely, and Jesse Itzler
Featuring Mit Shah, CEO of Noble Investment Group, Sara Blakely, founder and Executive Chairwoman of SPANX, and Jesse Itzler, New York Times Best Selling Author
Mit Shah, Vince Carter, and Grant Hill
Featuring Mit Shah, CEO and senior managing principal of Noble Investment Group, and Vince Carter and Grant Hill, both multi-time NBA All-Stars
Mit Shah and Chris Nassetta
Featuring Mit Shah, CEO and senior managing principal of Noble Investment Group, and Chris Nassetta, president and CEO of Hilton
Mit Shah and Arne Sorenson
Featuring Mit Shah, CEO and senior managing principal of Noble Investment Group, and Arne Sorenson, president and CEO of Marriott International
Mit Shah and Thomas J. Baltimore Jr.
Featuring Mit Shah, CEO of Noble Investment Group, and Thomas J. Baltimore Jr., chairman, president and CEO of Park Hotels & Resorts, which is the recent lodging REIT spin-off from Hilton
Mit Shah and Mark Hoplamazian
Featuring Mit Shah, CEO of Noble Investment Group, and Mark Hoplamazian, president and CEO of Hyatt Hotels
Mit Shah and Mark Elliott
Featuring Mit Shah, CEO of Noble Investment Group, and Mark Elliott, president of Hodges Ward Elliott
Mit Shah and Bharat Shah
Featuring Mit Shah, CEO of Noble Investment Group, and Bharat Shah in the endowment of this leadership speaker series