DBA vs. Ph.D.
An Executive DBA and a Ph.D. are similar in a few ways, but also differ in terms of program length, structure, candidate profile, curriculum and expected outcomes. The Executive DBA was created with senior-level managers, C-suite executives and professionals with extensive experience in mind. These individuals are typically looking to evolve business practices, develop new perspectives through applied research and create flexibility for future career change (including the possibility of entering academia either part- or full-time). Ph.D. students, in contrast, typically pursue full-time, research-focused careers in academia.
The research focus also differs between the two terminal degree programs. Executive DBA students learn research methods and business theory through applied research and address real-world issues within their dissertations. Ph.D. research is typically theory-based and addresses broad, discipline-specific topics.
Compare the Programs
Executive DBA | Ph.D. | |
Program Length and Structure | Executive DBA: 3 years (post-masters), part-time, cohort-based, four on-campus residencies per semester | Ph.D.: 5-7 years, full-time, individual learning |
Discipline/Philosophical Approach | Executive DBA Interdisciplinary – Applies theories to practice. |
Ph.D. Single-discipline focus (e.g., marketing, finance, computer science, etc.). Develops theories. |
Research Skills | Executive DBA Develops rigorous quantitative and qualitative research skills. |
Ph.D. Develops rigorous quantitative and qualitative research skills. |
Previous Work Experience | Executive DBA On average our students have 15-20 years of experience, with 7-10 of those years at the managerial or executive level. |
Ph.D. Work experience not always required. |
Previous Education | Executive DBA MBA or M.S. equivalent required. |
Ph.D. Graduate degree not always required. |
Career Outcomes | Executive DBA Graduates advance within their field or organization to executive positions. Other graduates move into consulting. Twenty five percent of graduates teach at the university level either part- or full-time. Graduates also continue research, publishing in journals and books as well as at conferences. |
Ph.D. Graduates will have a full-time career in academia with their focus entirely on research and teaching. |
Dissertation | Executive DBA Program culminates with successful defense of dissertation. |
Ph.D. Program culminates with successful defense of dissertation. |
Doctor Title | Executive DBA Dr. |
Ph.D. Dr. |
Degree Awarded | Executive DBA Doctor of Business Administration |
Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy |
Stephanie Urbas
assistant director
[email protected]