Amanda Beck
Assistant Professor School of Accountancy- Education
- Ph.D. (Accounting), University of Alabama
- MAcc, Auburn University
- BSBA (Accounting), Auburn University
- Specializations
- governmental accounting & reporting
- nonprofit accounting & reporting
- municipal bond markets
- financial accounting
- Biography
Dr. Beck’s research focuses on accounting and reporting in the governmental and nonprofit sectors, factors that influence these organizations' accounting choices and reporting quality, and how users (e.g., citizens, creditors, donors) use accounting information to make decisions. Her research has been published in The Accounting Review, Review of Accounting Studies, Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, and Research in Accounting Regulation. Dr. Beck began her career in the banking industry as a financial data analyst before earning a Ph.D. in accounting from the University of Alabama. She joined the faculty at Georgia State University in 2018. She served as a member of the Audit Committee for the City of Atlanta from 2018-2022, and currently serves on the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) task force examining financial reporting standards for going concern uncertainties and severe financial distress in governmental entities.
- Publications
- Baber, W., Beck, A., & Koester, A. (2024). Accounting Standardization and Separation in the Municipal Debt Market: Evidence from GASB 34. The Accounting Review, forthcoming.
- Beck, A., Gilstrap, C., Rippy, J., & Vansant, B. (2021). Strategic reporting by nonprofit hospitals: an examination of bad debt and charity care. Review of Accounting Studies, 26(3), 933-970.
- Beck, A. W. (2018). Opportunistic financial reporting around municipal bond issues. Review of Accounting Studies, 23(3), 785-826.