Edward Rigdon
Marketing Roundtable Professor Department of Marketing- Education
- Ph.D., University of Alabama
- MBA, University of Chicago
- B.A., University of Alabama
- Specializations
- quantitative research methodology
- structural equation modeling
- uncertainty
- Biography
Dr. Edward Rigdon’s research focus is on quantitative research methods, especially the family of multiple indicator methods colloquially known as “structural equation modeling” (SEM). His research has been published in the premier journals in marketing (Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research), in information systems (MSI Quarterly, Information Systems Research), and in quantitative psychology (Psychometrika, Multivariate Behavioral Research). He has been recognized as one of the most influential scholars in his field. Dr. Rigdon has been a keynote speaker at conferences from Spain to Macao.
Dr. Rigdon was co-founder and long-time list owner of SEMNET, an email discussion list devoted to SEM, which has more than 3,500 subscribers located in more than 50 countries. Dr. Rigdon was the Marketing Department’s first webmaster, and is also a former head of the department. Dr. Rigdon received GSU’s Exceptional Service Award in 1999, recognizing his many contributions.
- Publications
- Rigdon, E. E., Becker, J.-M., Sarstedt, M. (2019), "Parceling Cannot Reduce Factor Indeterminacy in Factor Analysis: A Research Note," Psychometrika, 83, 772-780.
- Rigdon, E. E., Becker, J.-M., Sarstedt, M. (2019), “Factor Indeterminacy as Metrological Uncertainty: Implications for Advancing Psychological Measurement,” Multivariate Behavioral Research, 54, 429-443
- Rigdon, E. E., Becker, J.-M., Rai, A., Ringle, C. M., Diamantopoulos, A. Karahanna, E., Straub, D., Dijkstra, T. K. (2015), “Conflating Antecedents and Formative Indicators: A Comment on Aguirre-Urreta and Marakas,” Information Systems Research, 25, 780-784.
- Rigdon, E. E. (2012), “Rethinking Partial Least Squares Path Modeling: in Praise of Simple Methods,” Long Range Planning, 45, 341-358.
- Gefen, D., Straub, D., Rigdon, E. (2011), “An Update and Extension to SEM Guidelines for Administrative and Social Science Research,” MIS Quarterly, 35, iii-xiv.
- Mathwick, C., Rigdon, E. E. (2004), “Play, Flow, and the Online Search Experience,” Journal of Consumer Research, 31, 324-32.
- Rigdon, E. E., Ferguson, C. E., Jr. (1991), “The Performance of the Polychoric Correlation Coefficient and Selected Fitting Functions in Confirmatory Factor Analysis with Ordinal Data,” Journal of Marketing Research, 28, 491-7.