Michael J. Majerczyk
Associate Professor School of Accountancy- Education
- Ph.D., accounting, University of South Carolina
- M.A., economics, University of Illinois at Chicago
- M.S., accounting, University of Illinois at Chicago
- B.S., economics, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Specializations
- managerial accounting focusing on budgeting, cooperation and incentives
- Biography
Dr. Majerczyk’s research focuses on budgeting, cooperation and incentive compensation. In addition to his professional experience as a Senior Accountant in private industry, he has an academic background in Economics. Dr. Majerczyk received his Ph.D. from the University of South Carolina in Accounting before joining Georgia State University. Dr. Majerczyk has published in Accounting, Organizations and Society Contemporary Accounting Research, and the Journal of Management Accounting Research, as well as, the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.
- Publications
- Grasser, R., Majerczyk, M., Staehle, M., and Yang, D. 2021 “The benefits of deliberative involvement in the design of incomplete feedback systems” Contemporary Accounting Research In Press
- Majerczyk, M., and Thomas, T. 2021 “Superiors’ discretionary allocations when agents face disparate performance risk” Journal of Management Accounting Research In Press
- Brink, W., Kuang, X., and Majerczyk, M., 2021 “The effects of minimum-wage increases on wage offers, wage premiums, and employee effort under incomplete contracts” Accounting, Organizations and Society Volume 89, February, pages 1-13 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aos.2020.101195
- Majerczyk, M., Owens, J., and Waddoups, N. 2020 “Contract framing, expected disappointment and effort: the moderating role of external locus of control,” Journal of Management Accounting Research, Volume 32, Issue 2, pages 183-200
- Douthit, J., and Majerczyk, M., 2019 “Subordinate perceptions of the superior and agency costs: Theory and Evidence,” Accounting, Organizations and Society, Volume 78, November, pages 1-12, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aos.2019.07.003
- Majerczyk, M., Sheremata, R., and Tian, Y., 2019 “Adding tournament to tournament: Combining between-team and within-team,” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Volume 166, pages 1-11.
- Boster, C., Majerczyk, M., and Tian, Y., 2018 “The effect of individual and pooled profit sharing plans on honesty in managerial reporting,” Contemporary Accounting Research, Volume 35, Issue 2, pages 696-715.
- Majerczyk, M., 2018 “The effect of labor market competition on control system design: An experimental investigation,” Accounting, Organizations and Society, Volume 71, October, pages 47-56. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aos.2018.05.004
- Harris, L., Majerczyk, M., and Newman, A. H., 2018 “An examination of how the effort-inducing property of incentive compensation influences performance in multidimensional tasks,” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Volume 149, pages 185-196.
- Leitch, R. A., Majerczyk, M., and Tian, Y., 2015 “Variance reporting, belief revision and profitability,” Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research, Volume 18, pp.155-178, ISBN: 978-1-78441-636-2.