Susan L. Willey
Clinical Professor of Legal Studies Maurice R. Greenberg School of Risk Science- Education
- J.D., Indiana University
- M.A.T., Duke University
- B.A., Duke University
- Specializations
- business ethics
- teaching and pedagogy
- Biography
Susan Willey, clinical professor of legal studies in the Maurice R. Greenberg School of Risk Science, has taught business law and legal environment of business courses for the Robinson College of Business, as well as a variety of freshman seminars for the GSU Honors College. Prior to joining the RCB faculty, she taught legal studies classes at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse from 1984-1999.
As the course coordinator for the Legal and Ethical Environment of Business, Professor Willey serves on the RCB Undergraduate Steering Committee and has been active in Project Catalyst to revise and update the undergraduate business curriculum. She also staffs the legal studies courses and hires both part-time instructors and graduate teaching assistants for the the Legal and Ethical Environment of Business course.
Professor Willey is an active member of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business (ALSB) and the Southeastern Academy of Legal Studies in Business, and previously served as the president of the Midwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business. In addition to an ethics teaching demonstration at the ALSB’s Master Teacher Symposium, Professor Willey has presented more than 75 academic papers at conferences of the ALSB, six of the regional ALSB associations, the Academy of Business Disciplines, and other organizations, earning several best paper awards.
In recent years, Professor Willey’s research has focused more on teaching and pedagogy. Her presentations and publications are frequently based on curricular projects she has developed for her undergraduate and graduate legal environment classes. Since receiving an Affordable Learning Georgia grant from the University System of Georgia in 2015, she has been creating a no-cost textbook for her Legal and Ethical Environment of Business students from open-source readings and videos, as well as instructional materials she has created, including several digital learning projects developed and piloted in her honors legal environment classes.
- Publications
- Weston and Willey, “Life Insurers’ Decision to Use Retained Asset Accounts for Life Insurance Payouts: A Case Study,” Risk Management and Insurance Review Vol. 19 (2016) at pp. 127-145.
- Sherman, Weston, Willey and Mansfield, “Risky Business: Managing Risk in a complex and Connected World,” Revue Management and Avenir, Issue 74 (December 2014) at pp. 159-173.
- Sherman, Willey and Mansfield, “Integrating Ethics Across the Curriculum: An Ethics Model for the US and les Grandes Ecoles,” Penser Les Relations Du Droit Et Des Sciences De Gestion (Dalloz, November 2014) at pp. 239-261.
- Willey and Weston, “Introducing Risk Management Concepts to Business Law Students: It’s More than Contracts,” Atlantic Law Journal, Vol. 16 (2014) at pp. 20-54.
- Willey, Mansfield, Sherman, and Updike, “Cracking the Code: Using Corporate Codes of Conduct to Teach Business Ethics,” Journal of Legal Studies in Business, Vol. 18 (2013) at pp.133-158. (SEALSB “Best Paper Award”)
- Willey, Mansfield, and Sherman, “Integrating Ethics Across the Curriculum: A Pilot Study to Assess Students’ Ethical Reasoning,” Journal of Legal Studies Education, Vol. 29, No. 2 (Summer 2012) at pp. 263-296.
- Nees, Willey, and Mansfield, “Enhancing the Educational Value of Experiential Learning: The Business Court Project,” Journal of Legal Studies Education, Vol. 27, No. 2 (Summer 2010) at pp. 171-208. (ALSB “Excellence in Research” Award)
- Willey and Sherman, “Mining for Gold: Utilizing SEC Filings to Develop MBA Students’ Understanding of Legal Concepts,” Journal of Legal Studies Education, Vol. 27, No. 2 (Summer 2010) at pp. 321-355.