William N. Robinson
Associate Professor Department of Computer Information Systems- Education
- Ph.D., University of Oregon
- M.S., University of Oregon
- B.S., Oregon State University
- Specializations
- software engineering
- negotiation systems
- computational negotiation
- collaborative design
- collaborative software agents
- Biography
Robinson’s research is working towards the improvement of software systems understanding, design and operation. He is also exploring various approaches to providing automated support for systems analysts. Through the research of these two complimentary areas, Robinson has developed a theory of “negotiated design” as well as associated CASE tool support.
- Publications
- Robinson, W.N., A. Akhlaghi, and T. Deng. "Transition Discovery of Sequential Behaviors in Email Application Usage Using Hidden Markov Models." in Hawaii International Conference on Software Systems. 2013. HI, USA: IEEE.
- Vlas, R. and W.N. Robinson. "Applying a Rule-Based Natural Language Classifier to Open Source Requirements: a Demonstration of Theory Exploration." in Hawaii International Conference on Software Systems. 2013. HI, USA: IEEE.
- Hansen, S.W., W.N. Robinson, and K.J. Lyytinen. "Computing Requirements: Cognitive Approaches to Distributed Requirements Engineering" in Hawaii International Conference on Software Systems. 2012. HI, USA: IEEE.
- Robinson, W.N., et al., "Discovery and Diagnosis of Behavioral Transitions in Rehabilitation Patient Event-Streams." ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS), 2012.
- Robinson, W.N., et al. "Pattern Discovery of User Interface Sequencing by Rehabilitation Clients with Cognitive Impairments." in Hawaii International Conference on Software Systems. 2012. HI, USA: IEEE.
- Robinson, W.N., "Understanding Software System Evolution through Requirements Monitoring" in Dagstuhl Seminar: Requirements Management – Novel Perspectives and Challenges. 2012: Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany.
- Ruiz, C. and W.N. Robinson, "Measuring Open Source Quality: A Literature Review." International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes (IJOSSP), 2012.
- Souza, V.E.S., et al., "Awareness Requirements for Adaptive Systems," in Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems, R.d.L. Betty H. C. Cheng, Holger Giese, Paola Inverardi, Jeff Magee, Editor. 2012, Springer.
- Vlas, R. and W.N. Robinson, "A Pattern-Based Method for Requirements Discovery and Classification" in Open-Source Software Development Projects Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS), 2012.
- Robinson, W.N., et al. "Automated Differential Diagnosis of Behavioral Transitions in Stream Mining with Decision Trees." in Hawaii International Conference on Software Systems. 2011. HI, USA: IEEE.
- Robinson, W.N. and S. Purao, "Monitoring service systems from a language-action perspective." Services Computing, IEEE Transactions on, 2011. 4(1): p. 17-30.
- Ruiz, C. and W.N. Robinson, "A review of open source quality definition and usage: implications for RE," in International Conference on Requirements Engineering (RE’11). 2011, IEEE.
- Ruiz, C. and W.N. Robinson. "Towards a Unified Definition of Open Source Quality." in 7th International Conference on Open Source Systems. 2011. Salvador, BA, Brazil: IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology.
- Souza, V.E.S., et al., "Awareness Requirements for Adaptive Systems," in 6th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS ’11). 2011: Waikiki, Honolulu, HI, USA.
- Vlas, R. and W. Robinson, "Extending and Applying a Rule-Based Natural Language Toolkit for Open Source Requirements Discovery and Classification" in Open Source Systems (OSS’11). 2011, IEEE.
- Vlas, R. and W.N. Robinson. "A Pattern-Based Method for Requirements Discovery and Classification in Open-Source Software Development Projects" in Hawaii International Conference on Software Systems. 2011. HI, USA: IEEE.
- Jarke, M., et al., "The brave new world of design requirements." Information Systems, most downloaded 2011, 2010.
- Jarke, M., et al., "The brave new world of design requirements: four key principles," in Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on Advanced information systems engineering. 2010, Springer-Verlag: Hammamet, Tunisia. p. 470-482.
- Robinson, W.N. and A. Akhlaghi. "Monitoring Behavioral Transitions in Cognitive Rehabilitation with Multi-Model, Multi-Window Stream Mining." in Hawaii International Conference on Software Systems. 2010. Kauai, HI, USA: IEEE.
- Robinson, W.N., "A Roadmap for Comprehensive Requirements Monitoring." IEEE Computer, 2010. 43(5): p. 64-72.
- Robinson, W.N. and Y. Ding, "A Survey of Customization Support in Agent-Based Business Process Simulation Tools." ACM Transactions on Simulation, 2010. 20(3).
- Jarke, M., et al., "Manifesto – High-impact requirements for software-intensive systems." Informatik Spektrum, 2009. 32(4): p. 352-353.
- Lyytinen, K., et al., "Design Requirements Engineering: A Ten-Year Perspective, Design Requirements Workshop," Cleveland, OH, USA, June 3-6, 2007, Revised and Invited Papers. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, LNBIP. ed. K.J.L. Lyytinen, P.; Mylopoulos, J.; Robinson, W. . 2009, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. 495.
- Robinson, W. and S. Fickas, "Talking Designs: A Case of Feedback for Design Evolution in Assistive Technology." Design Requirements Engineering: A Ten-Year Perspective, K. Lyytinen, et al., Eds., ed: Springer-Verlag, 2009: p. 215-237.
- Robinson, W.N., "Adapting Requirements Practices in Different Domains," in Design Requirements Engineering: A Ten-Year Perspective, K. Lyytinen, et al., Editors. 2009, Springer-Verlag. p. 453-454.
- Robinson, W.N., "Seeking Quality through User-Goal Monitoring." IEEE Software, 2009. 26(5): p. 58-65.
- Robinson, W.N. and S. Purao, "Specifying and Monitoring Interactions and Commitments in Open Business Processes." IEEE Software, 2009. 26(2): p. 72-79.
- Robinson, W.N. and S. Fickas, "Talking Designs: A Case of Feedback for Design Evolution in Assistive Technology," in Design Requirements Engineering: A Ten-Year Perspective, K. Lyytinen, et al., Editors. 2009, Springer-Verlag. p. 215-237.
- Robinson, W.N. and S. Fickas. "Designs can Talk: A Case of Feedback for Design Evolution in Assistive Technology." in Third International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology. 2008. Atlanta, USA: Georgia State University.
- Robinson, W.N. and S. Purao. "Development Support for Specifying and Monitoring Goals of Open Business Processes." in 4th International Workshop on Service-Oriented Computing Consequences for Engineering Requirements (SOCCER’08). 2008. Barcelona (Spain): IEEE.
- Robinson, W.N., "Extended OCL for goal monitoring." Electronic Communications of the EASST, 2008. 9: p. 1-12.