Xiaoou Bai
Assistant Professor Entrepreneurship & Innovation Institute- Biography
Dr. Xiaoou Bai is an Assistant Professor at Robinson College of Business at Georgia State University. Her research focuses on formation and performance of venture capital syndicates, international strategic alliances, cooperative and competitive dynamics in emerging industries, as well as underprivileged and underrepresented entrepreneurs. Her ongoing research projects were selected by the CEIBS-Cathay private equity research program as best research proposals, winning research grants in 2019 and 2020. Since 2020, Dr. Bai has been invited to participate as an ad-hoc reviewer for the Journal of Business Venturing (JBV).
She has published her research findings in top entrepreneurship journals such as Journal of Business Venturing. Dr. Bai received her PhD degree from the University of Texas at Dallas and Master’s degree from University of Oxford (UK). Prior to pursuing her Ph.D., she has worked as an investment banker at Goldman Sachs, advising companies on their cross-border M&As and IPOs.
- Publications
- Xiaoou BAI, W. XIA. & E.W.K. Tsang, 2020. “Domestic versus Foreign Listing: Does A CEO’s Educational Experience Matter?” Journal of Business Venturing.
Conference Proceedings
- “Who is more likely to extend and return a favor? – China meets West”, Academy of Management (AOM), August, 2020
- “Do network positions compensate for knowledge deficiency in directional networks?” Strategic Management Society (SMS), Minneapolis, October, 2019
- The Contingent Effects of Network Structures on Firms’ Knowledge Seeking Behaviors” Strategic Management Society (SMS), Paris, September, 2018.
- “The Effects of A CEO’s Educational Background on The Choice of IPO Location.” Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM), Atlanta, August, 2017.
- “Behind The Choice of IPO Location.” Strategic Management Society (SMS), Houston, October, 2017.
- “The Imprinting Effect of A CEO's Education on A Firm’s Choice of IPO Location.” Academy of International Business (AIB), Dubai, July, 2017
Research Grants
- CEIBS Cathay Cross-border Private Equity Research Grant in the amount of $10,000, 2020
- CEIBS Cathay Cross-border Private Equity Research Grant in the amount of $10,000, 2019